Our commitment

We're committed to protecting the security of our clients' personal information. That's why ltpays ® online banking and our other online services use advanced internet security technology. Our goal is to protect your personal financial information against unauthorized access.

ADO CREDIT BANK is managed by Branch Banking and Trust Co., a subsidiary of ltpays ® Corporation, and provides information about and access to financial services offered by the ltpays ® Corporation family of companies.

ADO CREDIT BANK ® will never ask for personal information by email or pop-up windows. We have a robust security system in place, but there's even more you can do to help protect your financial and personal information.

User ID and password

To access certain online services, you may have been assigned a user ID and password for your use only. Your user ID and password protect you by confirming your identity to our computer network systems. As an extra layer of protection, ltpays ® uses other tools to confirm your identity to ltpays ® online banking. To keep your accounts private, it's very important not to share your user ID and password.

Here are some steps you can take to keep your user ID and password safe:

  • Use a different password for each online account or application.
  • Never post your password on your computer monitor, at the bottom of your keyboard, under your mouse pad or any other place near your computer system.
  • Change your password at least four times per year.
  • Change your password right away if you suspect it has been discovered by anyone else.
  • Never give your password to anyone over the phone.

Selecting strong passwords

Make your password really hard to guess. The trick is to pick one that's easy for you to remember without having to write it down.


  • Don't use your (or any family member's) name, nickname or initials in any form (forwards or backwards spelling).
  • Don't use your user ID in any form.
  • Don't use other information about yourself that's easy to find. This includes things like birth dates, phone numbers, license plate numbers, Social Security numbers, street addresses and the kind of car you drive.
  • Don't use all the same character, such as 333333, or consecutive keys on a keyboard, such as ASDFGH.
  • Don't use words that would appear in a dictionary (English or other). They can be easily compromised by password-cracking programs that use electronic dictionaries.

Tips for choosing strong passwords:

  • Develop a way of creating passwords that makes it easy for you to remember. You want to avoid writing them down.
  • You can use a line in a favorite song, poem or movie and pick the first letter of each word for your password. Also use at least one number. For example, "The early bird catches the worm" becomes the password 1TEBCTW.
  • Use two short words and connect them with a number, such as WIN7ONE.
  • Use a word that's easy to remember, but take out the vowels and replace them with numbers. For example, "summer" becomes the password S2MM3R.
  • If you can, make your passwords at least eight characters long, and include capital letters and special characters, such as @, #, $, % and &.

Logoff features

To protect your financial information, always log off after you've completed your business. For more protection, ltpays ® online banking automatically ends your session after a period of inactivity.

If someone tries and fails to log in to the ltpays ® system three times in a row, the system will lock them out.

Protecting online applications

When you apply online for ltpays ® products, we'll ask you for some personal information. To keep your information private, it's sent to ltpays ® in a secure session, using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. SSL is a security protocol for transmitting information online.

Many web browsers support SSL, and many websites use it to securely obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers. SSL technology scrambles or encrypts information as it moves between your computer's browser and ltpays ® computer systems.


Encryption—also called a secure session—makes information unreadable to anyone who doesn't have the decryption key.

How to tell whether your online session with ltpays ® is secure:

  • An unbroken key or a locked padlock icon will appear at the bottom of your browser window.
  • The website address will change from "http" to "https" at the top of your browser window.
  • We'll ask you to enter a user ID and password to gain access to the site.

Firewalls and activity logs

A firewall acts as a barrier between the internet and the ltpays ® internal network system, permitting only certain traffic to pass in and out. To make sure that only authorized users have access to our systems, ltpays ® conducts regular reviews of activity logs.


Email transmitted across the internet is normally not protected and may be intercepted and viewed by others. That's why you should never send confidential or private information by unsecured email to ltpays ®. We'll never ask you to send confidential information, such as your logon ID, password, account numbers or Social Security number to us by email.

To make sure your communications are secure, use SecureMessage from online banking or Message Center from U by ltpays ®.

Sometimes we'll save your email—and our replies—to make sure we've given the best answers to your questions and requests. This also lets us comply with legal and regulatory requirements and helps us provide you with the perfect client experience.

Virus protection

ADO CREDIT BANK ® uses the most up-to-date technology to protect our internal systems and your personal financial information from computer viruses. To protect your personal system, consider the following measures:

  • Buy and install antivirus software, such as McAfee's VirusScan or Symantec's Norton AntiVirus, to find and remove potential viruses on your computer.
  • Consider buying antivirus software that automatically scans for virus updates whenever you go online. If your software doesn't have this feature, update your antivirus software at least weekly by contacting your antivirus vendor to get the most current antivirus signature files.
  • Never open email attachments from senders you don't know. Simply delete the messages altogether.
  • Use caution with email attachments, even if you know the sender. If you weren't expecting the message or if you have any suspicions, contact the sender to make sure they sent the message.

Report suspicious activity

If you receive a suspicious email or see something out of the ordinary on our website, please call us immediately at info@adokredit-bk.online


Just a friendly reminder: ADO CREDIT BANK ® never uses email or text messages to ask for your confidential information.

Report suspicious email that uses the ltpays ® brand by forwarding the email to us at info@adokredit-bk.online.

Together we can make a difference

The power and convenience of online banking has brought major benefits—as well as new and more complex security challenges.

At ltpays ®, we realize that online security is a shared responsibility. By using advanced technology on all of our systems and keeping you informed of strategies to help protect your confidential information, we're confident that together we can minimize your security risks and continue to provide a seamless and rewarding online banking experience.